Welcome Beautiful Soul!


I'm Vanessa, and I'm the brains behind Soulfully Aligned Inc.

I'm also the co-founder of Soulfully Aligned Publishing House and a business mentor for entrepreneurs who feel their service is meant to improve the world and help with the current transition in Earth's history.

I created Soulfully Aligned Inc. by following the instructions of a program called The Wealthy Goddess Immersion, a step by step guide on how to align to the power of Soul and catapult your message and business to the online world.

In this way, I was able to combine my experience as a Reiki Master Teacher with my knowledge gained from working in sales for over a decade to create a unique curriculum to help women recognize and embrace their inherent value, knowledge, and prosperity.

I was able to help hundreds of women package and sell their first high-end products while also having a lot of fun, building a business that was worth a quarter of a million dollars, building a team of six great women (with whom I still work today), and supporting other women as they sold their first high-end products.

My customers have become CEOs of global brands, developed funnels that continually matching them to Soulmate Clients, healed their money karma drama while establishing their legacy through their service, and abandoned their corporate positions in order to work full time doing what they love.

I started Soulfully Aligned Publishing last year, joined the ranks of best-selling authors alongside 12 other powerful women, and together with my business partner published five more books, all of which quickly rose to the top of their respective genres.

To get my business to explode (in a good way), I did what many coaches warn you against: I gave away my greatest content for free when I was featured on spiritual networks like RA MA TV.


Because there is no substitute for physical proximity, no matter how useful your advice, tools, or secrets may be.

My work and management style have shifted to incorporate a quantum field perspective.

The result was that I was able to partner with larger organizations and secure larger contracts, and my company was able to celebrate reaching $1,000,000 in revenue just two years after its founding.

I've dedicated my life to pioneering a new business paradigm by skillfully integrating Tao philosophy with conventional management theory, and the heavens have taken notice.

Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, World Renowned Healer, 11x New York Times Best Seller, and Founder of Tao Healing, my beloved teacher and spiritual father, tapped me on the shoulder at the height of my career and asked me to be of service and join the incredible master teachers to continue to empower humanity with this wisdom and healing technology. 

I highly encourage you to discover more of his wisdom and healing power here:

I would love to learn from you.

Welcome Beautiful Soul!


I’m Vanessa, Founder of the Wealthy Goddess Movement!

We Support Healers to Scale their Online Business while using fundamentals from the Tao!



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Let's Get to Know Each Other…a little more


I am really excited to meet you.

Let's spend some time getting to know one another.

I founded Soulfully Aligned Inc. and serve as its chief executive officer and a leading soul-based business strategist, all while advocating for women's financial independence. I combine strategy and spirituality to steer a new business paradigm that gives women the soul, systems, and competencies they need to grow as leaders and serve more people. My work has been featured on spiritual networks like RA MA TV.

Supporting women to achieve their maximum alignment in terms of finances, careers, and spirituality is at the heart of what I do.

My clients have developed their leadership skills and made a great influence on the world as a result of this sacred work, which has also accelerated their spiritual journeys, improved their quality of life, increased their services, activated their soul gifts, and provided for their families.

I have experienced it. 10k, 20k, 50k, 100k, and all the months in between have all been part of my life. I've had clients who flat-out copied me, who repurposed my content without crediting me, who demanded refunds, who drew dependent followers rather than spiritual leaders, who gave me a budget and then who gave me no budget at all.

The knowledge you gain from mentors has the potential to save you years of work and tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mentorship is an incarnation that materializes on a completely different level.

Because I have a very full life, I have to limit the number of clients I take each year to 12, and they must all be a perfect spiritual match for me.

I offer my clients the choice between a three-month private container with the support of my staff or a six-month private container with only me. Most clients join up for an additional six months if we get along well, making it a full year.

This isn't your typical mentoring relationship. This is a one-of-a-kind mentorship opportunity, and it came about as a response to a genuine yearning from inside.

I honor my inner knowing, question is... do you?



Want to Work Together? Here's How!



Soulfully Aligned Publishing House

Become a Best-Selling Author!

Soulfully Aligned Publishing House is always open to a new book project!



"Tell Your Story" is our signature book writing program to share your wisdom and create your legacy! Click below to Learn More!


Oh, You're Ready?

If you're ready and you KNOW you want to be an author and are ready to Tell Your Story - Book Your Call with Sandra Today.




Wealthy Goddess Movement Courses

Enjoy Access to a library of high-end business programs & digital trainings.

Where soul meets strategy to upgrade your wealth
& business frequency in our best programs ever!

This is perfect for you if you are just starting your business or want to uplevel a specific area in your business creation. 

If you still haven't hit 5k-10k a month yet, then do not miss out on this incredibly powerful library of pieces of training that can take you to the next level.






Private Coaching

Applications opening soon. 



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